It was the best of... the fucking worst of times. But the only way is forward, and with that new beginnings. You can give up or you can do something. Anything really to
Let's say sometimes you want to egress your home network over a VPN? Maybe hide your traffic from your ISP who likes to snoop your traffic or insert ads? Or maybe
Due to the horrible light pollution here in San Jose, CA I decided to try out EAA- Electronically Assisted Astronomy. Traditional astro photography (AP) is actually really hard and time consuming. EAA is
4 out of 5 stars. 3.5 out of 5 stars.
So the Skyroam Solis has two different data plans available:
Option A: $9/day “unlimited”. First ~350MB of transfer is fast 4G,
So my initial testing of an ESP-12E showed that it couldn’t reliably keep up with two 10K PPR encoders (40K count). I discussed this project a great deal with my fellow astronomers