/dev/random Parting out 2008 Ducati 1098S with 916 miles Bought this bike salvaged for a project. As you can see, it had a lowside on the left side. I kept the front wheel, forks & frame as they were straight. Selling all the parts I don’t need and that are in good condition. While some of the parts
Crackdays & Racing NRS Report So I just got back from doing AFM’s New Racer School with Pacific Track Time. It was a beautiful day, and I didn’t have any problem passing the written test or on track evaluation. I have to say that when I started riding motorcycles almost 8 years ago
Crackdays & Racing Problems and solutions Well after having various motorcycle problems, things are finally turning around. I was able to get a new engine for my SV off eBay and BRG Racing is going to take care of me in time for my first AFM weekend later this month. I also was able to get