The time is now for action.

It was the best of... the fucking worst of times. But the only way is forward, and with that new beginnings. You can give up or you can do something. Anything really to give a little agency. One little step forward. Then another. Wash, rinse, and repeat... you can do a lot that way.
So I've decided to resurrect/migrate my old blog and bring it forward with a new tech stack (traefik + ghost) since even Wordpress decided to take a face plant into hell. See also.
Thanks to Don O'Neill of RLS for being nice enough to write up how he runs his site. To be honest, it wasn't actually that useful from a technical point of view (traefik was a huge PITA, Mailgun was as onbrand as ever, and I even locked myself out at one point), but it was totally what I needed to get off my ass and make it happen.
Sometimes finding the motivation to make something happen is the most important and useful thing in the world.