Arduino TeensyDSC - it works! So last night I was finally able to test my custom digital setting circles setup on my AD12… it worked great!  I used the Astrosystems 10K encoder kit with the TeensyDSC and SkySafari on my iPad.  Here’s the photos of my setup:
Arduino A working basic TeensyDSC board I recently got my first generation PCB in the mail from OshPark and I’m happy to say that the board works just like I had planned! I was able to do some basic testing using 10,000 step encoders, but due to the power of the Teensy 3.1
Arduino SV650 ECU Decoder v4.6 Design Finished So I just ordered a few new boards from OshPark: This was a major update which fixes all know bugs (many which are severe) and improves the protection of the circuit. * Switch to Murata 5V switching regulator. * LM7805 was overheating with heavy use of LED display in latest code * Add
Arduino v4.1 board design finished! I’m happy to announce I’ve finished with the latest design of the SV650 ECU Decoder which has a number of improvements: * Add button for switching the display modes * Add support for detecting “very low fuel” on 2005-07 models * Improve battery voltage measurement circuit * Small tweaks to the layout
Arduino SV650 ECU Decoder is now Open Source! I decided to release both the Arduino source code for the Teensy 2.0 board as well as the Diptrace files necessary for creating a PCB. Please feel free to fork the code on Github and add support for other bikes & microcontrollers! I’m also working on creating PCB
Arduino SV650 ECU Decoder Part 5: They're here! Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here. Part 4 is here. So I got the new boards back from OSH Park: The boards look really good. I’m waiting on some parts to show up from Mouser, but was able to mostly populate the board
Arduino SV650 ECU Decoder Part 4: Third time is the charm? Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here. So my v2.0 boards were a complete dud. Â Turns out some how I messed up the design and ended up wiring up the connector to the wiring harness backwards so nothing works. Â Wasn’t a
Arduino SV650 ECU Decoder Part 3: New boards just arrived! Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. So I got the v2.0 boards back today from OSH Park and they looked really good: The back side of the PCB has solder holes for both the stock dash connector as well as a 5 screw terminal block in case
Arduino SV650 ECU Decoder part 2 Part 1 is here. So I got the first boards back from OSH Park: And with the all the components populated: And finally in the small ABS plastic enclosure: At this point I decided to do a little more with my decoder and add: 1. LED display for decoding FI
Arduino SV650 ECU EFI warning decoder/dash replacement So I finally finished the design of my very first PCB and placed an order with OSH Park to get some samples. The basic premise is I needed a way to decode the data stream from my 2nd gen SV650 ECU to know when there is a problem with the
Arduino Calibrating Thermistors for the Arduino This is my first post about my current geek project: building a wireless thermometer/alarm/data logger for my Weber smoker. Until now, I’ve been using a Maverick/RediCheck wireless unit which is merely OK. The wireless signal tends to be really flaky and it has only one temp