Looking for Win32 beta testers

For the past month or so, I’ve been working on getting tcpreplay working under Windows systems (Windows XP specifically). I’m happy to say that I’ve made good progress and now I’m looking for a few beta testers to try it out in a more “real world” environment and provide feedback.

Some words of warning:

  • I’m not a Windows expert. The last version of Windows I used at all regularly was Win95. ’nuff said.
  • You don’t have to be a Windows expert, but you should be very comfortable using it.
  • It would be nice if you have some C coding experience under Windows. I don’t expect you to code or fix bugs, but someone who is familiar with C is likely to be able to provide better bug reports.
  • You must be able to install WinPcap 4.0 and Cygwin. If that sounds scary or like too much work, then this isn’t for you.
  • You must be willing/able to compile tcpreplay under Cygwin. I will not be providing binaries right now! You don’t need to have VC++ or anything like that, but being familiar with the GNU toolchain is a big plus. Sorry, but I can’t provide support getting Cygwin or the other dependencies like GNU Autogen installed.
  • You must be able to communicate in English clearly. Since I won’t be able to sit down at your computer and help if there’s any problems, you’ll have to be able to email/IM/IRC me what’s going on. English doesn’t have to be your first language, but if you have a hard time communicating on technical topics, then this isn’t for you.

How do you get started? Easy, read my quick Win32 HowTo and get started! If you have any questions or problems, please email me at: synfinatic@gmail.com