RC1 is out!

Once again, I paid someone a lot of money to do my taxes. Honestly, it’s the best $750 I spend each year. The US gov’t does a great job making taxes complicated even for people like me who aren’t worth millions of dollars or are trying to use tax havens in various 3rd world countries.

Anyways, since I didn’t have to do my taxes, I decided to take the time to fix bugs and get the RC1 release out. This is actually a big deal. We’re talking over 2 years of effort, 100+ tickets fixed, 600 commits and 20,000 lines of code. But mere numbers don’t really begin to cover what’s new:

  1. Completely rewritten to improve performance
  2. Standardized options for easier use
  3. Tons and tons of bug fixes
  4. Rewrote all the docs to the wiki
  5. Plugin based architecture for DLT rewriting (DLT_EN10MB, DLT_NULL, DLT_LOOP, DLT_LINUX_SLL, DLT_HDLC, user defined)
  6. Initial support for Win32 under Cygwin
  7. Cleaner code for easier maintenance and enhancements

So what’s the future?

  • More DLT support (802.11 for one)
  • More plugins (layer 3, 4 and 5+)
  • Possible use of Lua or other embedded language for ease of writing additional editing plugins
  • Native Win32 support
  • Much much more