Rep. Marilyn Musgrave

Today, I got a spam from Rep. Marilyn Musgrave from Colorado about the 2007 Farm Bill. I thought since she took the time to email me, I should send a thoughtful reply:

Dear Rep. Marilyn Musgrave,

Thank you so very much for your email. I found your words especially relevant since I live in California and spend most of my time as far away from farms as I possibly can. I think it is great that so much of my tax dollars are being spent on worthless pork such as farm subsidies and that I have people like you to blame for it. Also, I want to thank you for sending me this unsolicited bulk email (often known as SPAM, but please don’t confuse it with the Hormel product- they don’t like that). While most people of your stature have enough common sense to not want to be associated with something that peddles free pornography, cheap viagra and bogus stock tips, it apparently suits you quite well.

Unfortunately, while I would love to vote against you in an election, I will have to find it enough to tell my representatives and senators to vote against the 2007 Farm Bill.

Aaron Turner

P.S. Please remove me from your spam list.
Hopefully I wasn’t too subtle…