
So my wife is always looking for new cooking related toys. I like playing with fire. Hence, when she asked me if it was ok to purchase a smoker, I was all for it. $200+ shipping later, we’re the proud owner of a Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker, aka the “Weber Bullet”.
Of course no purchase is complete, without making a modification, so we purchased a nice thermometer, drilled a hole in the top and mounted it so we can easily track the temperature while cooking.

Anyways, our first attempt at smoking was baby back ribs- one of my favorites. We’ve tried doing ribs in a BBQ, but it’s difficult to cook them slow enough that they don’t dry out. In the smoker, they turned out moist and the meat just fell off the bone… delcious! This particular time I used Kingsford charcoal, but next time I’ll definitely use mesquite which has a much better flavor IMHO.

Overall, a highly rated success!