So many things, so little time...
Gah, it’s been a month since my last post… I was doing so well. Lots of big things have been going on in the last month. I’ve started to work out, working on my bike and we’re still looking at houses.
Anyways, I’m waiting to hear back from Catalyst Reaction that my new suspension is ready. I really can’t wait. The Duc was totally transformed with the new wheels and I’m hoping for much of the same with the upgraded suspension. I’ve done a number of other upgrades which honestly are way way overdue. Sucks putting so much $$$ in such an old and out of date bike, but at the same time I really do love it. After this, it’s practice, practice and practice, drop 10sec and start racing!
So what’s next? Try to figure out the house thing. Getting time to fish or cut bait. Relax a bit more and then get back to work. ’08 is looking to be a pretty significant year for me at work as well at home and I can’t wait!