SV650 ECU Decoder Part 4: Third time is the charm?

Part 1 is here.
Part 2 is here.
Part 3 is here.

So my v2.0 boards were a complete dud.  Turns out some how I messed up the design and ended up wiring up the connector to the wiring harness backwards so nothing works.  Wasn’t a complete disaster- I was going to have to do another revision of the board either way, but it does slow things down.

Anyways, I just finished the v3.0 board design which:

  • Fixes the pin out on the wiring harness connector
  • Adds a 5mm LED for low fuel light warning
  • Adds some holes in the PCB for adding standoffs to support the LED display
  • Removes the terminal block option

Most everything should be pretty self explanatory, but I wanted to take a minute to explain the last item. The first version of the board didn’t have the OEM connector for plugging directly into the stock wiring harness, instead I had a terminal block to connect the wires. I ended up removing the terminal block from this version because:

  1. I figured the majority of people would use the OEM connector
  2. I was a bit worried about the reliability of using a terminal block- especially in racing
  3. Adding the fuel light meant less available PCB space and needing to add a 6th connector
  4. People can order the board without the OEM connector and solder directly
Top side of the v3.0 board
Top side of the v3.0 board
Back side of the v3.0 board.
Back side of the v3.0 board.

Anyways, I just submitted the order to OSH Park today- should be a part of March 27th’s panel, and so I should have the boards back by mid-April.